Originally Posted by abolt300
Rumors are rampant throughout the fed members and big market players, that the Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly jobs reports, that many on here have been saying are artificially inflated every month in 2024, are going to be officially revised downward tomorrow, by somewhere between 600,000 and 1,000,000 jobs. As everyone has previously stated, this has been done in an attempt to paint a rosy economic picture and to keep things propped up and the market looking good until the election, Hmmmm. Given that YTD, they've been claiming that a total of 1.4 million new jobs have been created, the adjustment, if true, will be a massive blow. Mistakes happen but 50-80% errors on numbers like this, are 100% intentional. People need to go to jail for investment fraud and attempted election interference. At some point, there have to be swift and severe penalties for government employees repeated outright lying to the American public, for purely political and monetary reasons.

Remember too, that the current 1.4 million number, has already been revised down from the reported monthly numbers, multiple times. Throw out a great number, run the market up, then 3-4 weeks later, quietly issue a much lower revised number for the previous month, knowing that the press will refuse to cover it and the market dang sure will not adjust/move to anything but the original "great number" lie.

It’s been inflated under Biden just like they did under Obama. They’d always revise downward a few months later. May have a been time they didn’t but overall that was the pattern. Under Trump any revisions would be upwards.

With Trump they still pumped the banks just like under Obama’s reign. Kept thinking they’d pull the rug out from under him. I guess market sentiment was just too strong until Covid happened.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan