Spot on Goat. I got to thinking about it the other day and other than the Trump tax cuts and occasional cheap energy, I really can’t think of much the Republican party has actually delivered on a national scale to its base voters since I’ve been voting age. I’m talking legislation, not judicial appointments though those definitely were big. Republicans (really one RINO) killed the repeal of the ACA. They passed no child left behind and started the DOE. They haven’t cut a dime of spending on anything. They expanded the spy state and infringed on Americans civil liberties on a massive level. They passed the massive spending bills with the Democrats that brought on crippling inflation. The list could go on for days. The more I look back at it the more I truly believe that the America first agenda is the last hope to right the ship. If our opposition party can’t be forced in to being the actual opposition then there’s no point in casting a vote for either side. I don’t expect Trump to fix it all, but I expect him to force the RINO’s to go along with the agenda or to step aside.