$.75 a can when I started in '86. $7.00 a can when I quit (again) earlier this year. Quit for about 8 years and took it back up when I started deer hunting, again...never dipped while duck hunting, but wanted one bad when sitting in a deer stand. Got one and then another and another...before long Khalid was running through my head on replay "and another one". A year went by of a roll a week and one day it just didn't sit right...flavor was different and juice wasn't satisfactory. When I was on the Cope wagon, I used to say "I could put a whole can in my lips (upper and lower) and if I threw up from the buzz I'd be happy as a lark!" Not any more....Covid changed my taste, maybe?

Last edited by donia; 09/19/24 01:55 PM.

experience is a freakin' awesome teacher....