Originally Posted by goodman_hunter
Originally Posted by bill
Originally Posted by goodman_hunter
Originally Posted by BC_Reb
I if they can’t afford to pay and defend their own country then they don’t deserve it.

good thing everyone didnt feal that way 249 years ago. Wouldn't be no 4th of July

Completely bankrupt countries like us shouldn't be footing the bill for anyone else. My kids don't deserve what we are doing to them and this money laundering operation should have been stopped before it started.

If you look at the annual budget and look at the total money given to other countries. It's miniscule. I can't remember exactly but it's like 1-3%
Let's be generous, is 5% reduction in spending gonna do anything to reduce our debt?

Anything, even a penny , is money we have to borrow from our children to pay for it. We are broke and I absolutely hate my government with a red hot passion which means I don't want them to prosper at all. War is their business and I'm never going to be in favor of making the next generation suffer just so these fat cat pieces of shucks can get richer. Our priorities are as screwed up as our government when we are willing to spend our children's money in support of the war machine.

" I do view Jim Waltz as a really good Presidential candidate"