Been a busy day again today, wrestle mania at lunch. She has passed her check offs to come off the vent but got to agitated as her sedation wore off for them to extibate her. Needed about 30 mins of calm but by the time she was awake enough to make the transition she was trying to tear it out her self.

Hopefully tomorrow, they said the next time she is awake they will pull it but she has had night meds and resting.

Please pray for her and my oldest who tested positive for Covid today. We do not need Susie to get Covid right now her lungs do not need another hit. My oldest was here yesterday so the exposure is there. She has had a little fever this afternoon which is concerning on top of everything else. Pray that Susannah continues to improve and we can get her off the vent tomorrow.

Thank y’all for the continued prayers.

Life is difficult
Science prevails over bulldoodoo and superstition every time