We went 2 for 3 today so far……..First one was a low gut shot from last night…….It was about as straight forward and simple as one could be…..He was still alive but he bayed up immediately and that was that……
The second one was a leg hit that had been shot twice in the same leg……It was about as simple as the first one……He was only 100 yards or so ahead of where they stopped tracking and he bayed up within 40-50 yards as well…..I have a video of that one my cousin took but not sure how to post it…….
We jumped the 3rd one out of his bed at about the 450 yard mark but I don’t think he was hit well……There was very, very minimal blood and we never actually saw the deer……he got up well ahead of us…..I let the dogs go after him just to make sure but he crossed the property lines within a couple yards and we called it off,,,,,
I got my new TT-25 and used it for the first time today……For some reason I thought the last ones I bought were TT-25 but they definitely were not…….I like this new one……It’s a lot smaller and it appears to charge up WAY faster……I like lights it has on it for nighttime tracking…….I’ve always wondered if it hindered the dog to have those collar lights on
Well I figured out how to send the video to youtube but its grainy and not good quality.....I guess because it was shot on a phone.... If you're wondering why I'm not shooting and trying to get Otis to move its because I was having to shoot under a bunch of limbs and my line of sight was too close to the top of his head for me to feel comfortable taking the shot......I didnt want to whiz one over his head that close
Tracked a nice one this morning that coyotes pushed along ways. He crossed a very busy road in Huntsville a few times. I guess he was just trying to lose the coyotes. It was very nerve wrecking with all the traffic and Muzz. We finally found him just a few feet from the edge of the road. I've found several around Huntsville this year thay have done close to the samething. I'm guessing it helps keep the coyotes back if they bed real close to the road.
Tracked another nice one tonight with a broke front leg. Went about 900 yards through a nasty cutover to get to him then wadded through waist deep water. Worth it for this stud!
Tracked two tonight. Muzz went straight to the first one. He was around 400 yards doa. Coyotes and buzzards had done got on him. The 2nd track we ended up jumping the deer but just couldn't stop him.
Another dog killed this week.....I think that's something like 5 this season now that have gotten killed..... It sure seems like a lot more than usual.....Hate to hear about that happening......Y'all stay safe out there.
Another dog killed this week.....I think that's something like 5 this season now that have gotten killed..... It sure seems like a lot more than usual.....Hate to hear about that happening......Y'all stay safe out there.
Another dog killed this week.....I think that's something like 5 this season now that have gotten killed..... It sure seems like a lot more than usual.....Hate to hear about that happening......Y'all stay safe out there.
Not sure on the latest one.....I think most of them have gotten gored though.....Getting gored, getting drowned, or getting in the road tend to be the biggest dangers.....We almost became one of them ourselves due to beaver traps......Got lucky that day
[url=https://postimages.org/] Ended the season with this leg shot spike. Had a good year. Between my 3 buddies and me we recovered 203 deer in North Alabama