Harvest numbers are never correct, which don't mean piss to me anyhow. Long as people do like some of the meat eaters did where I hunted, most deer will thrive. I never shot a doe, but noticed the population never grew too much. There was one guy disabled that didn't work that killed no telling how many deer one year. These folks named their deer. Not saying they let any bucks go intentionally, but they probably did shoot most of the does and probably let a few go in each area they hunted. Not saying they let bucks go, but could have some years. All does seem to get breed year after year. If I was hunting around these folks I would just take does if I wanted some meat, cause there not going to be many mature bucks in their neighborbood. You can't shoot what's not there. These folks stacked up the venison year after year. I doubt they worried about harvest reports, but whether or not the freezer was full enough.