Some of y’all must not have many deer. Most of my plots will stay low due to browsing. I planted early this year to see if I could get better growth but lack of rain has them slow goin. I did plant a plot of turnips and collards at home here back in September. The plants got up to about 6” tall. I noticed the deer nipping on the leaves and I picked one good mess of turnips. The next day a doe and two fawns were in there late that evening. Now the garden spot looks like it’s just been tilled. I plant a whole lot more turnips at the swamp for the meat deer but if those deer hit the brassicas like the deer at home did, they’re done for. That’s why I’m not sold on planting the brassicas in September. I bought a 200 lb mineral block and it was gone in a bout one month. The does and fawns were eating the milk weed in the plots around the block also.