Fresh not dried soybeans is the all time favorite. Winter peas or packer peas - again, they prefer fresh. I would hazard a guess that any fresh peas you could find would work especially the sweeter ones. Rice bran works on some but not all. It's kind of a pita because you have to keep it dry. Any fruit. Pears are their favorite but apples, blackberries, blueberries, grapes, plums, cherries, persimmons, and figs work very well. You throw a bushel of apples out and they'll park on it once they find it. Popcorn. Get the huge bags the bear baiters use for relatively cheaper. Regular old salted does great. I've never tried the sweet ones but they like sweet stuff, so it's worth a try. Sweetfeed may work - the kind for horses. They ate both sweetfeed and corn in my mother's yard about equally over two decades. It's worth a try for sure. I've not tried dried oats but I would give it a go just to see.

Whoever is happy will make others happy too. Anne Frank