Cause the problems with them doing weed and shrooms won't stay within their homes. They will become our problems. And that's why Florida shot it down on Tuesday.
Yeah, it’s your problem when they get behind the wheel.
Not true. Alcohol is legal and it's way more destructive and dangerous
Re: This is going to slow progress down
#4226883 11/09/2411:30 AM11/09/2411:30 AM
Cause the problems with them doing weed and shrooms won't stay within their homes. They will become our problems. And that's why Florida shot it down on Tuesday.
Yeah, it’s your problem when they get behind the wheel.
Not true. Alcohol is legal and it's way more destructive and dangerous
I’m pretty sure the American diet is even worse and gluttony is a sin.
There have been several studies that have shown marijuana use by young people can lead to a psychosis. It does occasionally happen to older folks too. To what degree depends. There is NO such thing as absolutely safe for all. Not ALL are the same and are affected differently. Most things are fine in moderations except crack and meth, yet those are useful for some.
In reality it all depends and not a one size fits all
I have no problem legalizing everything if there is absolute accountability but that is lacking in our society, so laws have to been enacted and enforced.
Look at NW states where legalization and or lack of enforcement has allowed open air use. There’s rampant disease and squaller in certain areas. YouTube has videos full of such atrocities. It accounts for the downfall of a society and history is full of examples.
Build it and they will come is a truthful adage
“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan
Re: This is going to slow progress down
[Re: Skinny]
#4226905 11/09/2412:28 PM11/09/2412:28 PM
Easy problem to solve. You can smoke or drink anything you want but if you get caught behind the wheel it’s a a year in jail no questions asked. 2nd offense 5 years.
Cause the problems with them doing weed and shrooms won't stay within their homes. They will become our problems. And that's why Florida shot it down on Tuesday.
Yeah, it’s your problem when they get behind the wheel.
Yes because that driving 30 in a 55 causes alot of accidents. If that’s the case license should be removed at a certain age. I’ve every type of drug and alcohol user over the last 40 years. Do smoke pot, I haven’t in at least 40 years. But crack heads, meth heads, regular old alcoholics and any other substance abuser. Give me the pot heads. They show up aren’t mad at the world and have always worked productive. Just my take and opinion.
Re: This is going to slow progress down
[Re: Skinny]
#4227106 11/09/2406:59 PM11/09/2406:59 PM
The sorry people I know who use weed are no different from the sorry people I know who drink beer or whiskey.
The good people I know who use weed are no different than the good people I know who drink, and in most cases, are as good to be around as folks who do neither or both.
Good people vs sorry people is the eternal struggle, regardless of the drug of choice.
Re: This is going to slow progress down
[Re: Skinny]
#4227553 11/10/2411:45 AM11/10/2411:45 AM
There have already been a couple of attempts to legalize weed in Congress and even without RFK jr it’s going to keep coming up. From what I’ve seen, most PDs don’t arrest anyone with it except for large amounts and as an add on charge to other crimes. Honestly, if RFK is put in a position to restructure the FDA, he’s going to have his hands full breaking up the big pharma cartel since they’re in Congress’s pockets and get virtually everything they want when it comes to price gouging the American people. I’m all for free markets, but discounting pharmaceuticals for countries with socialized medicine then making up the difference overcharging US customers isn’t the type of free market we need.
Re: This is going to slow progress down
[Re: Skinny]
#4227557 11/10/2411:57 AM11/10/2411:57 AM
Like I have been saying. This topic will be used to derail the important parts of the Trump agenda.
"Never Trust Government" -- Smart people. "The Great thing we should Fear and the Weird Thing we Trust is Elon Musk" -- Me "You can be broke but you cant be poor." -- Ruthie-May Webster
Re: This is going to slow progress down
[Re: Skinny]
#4227559 11/10/2412:13 PM11/10/2412:13 PM