I'm looking for your tips on how to zero a cold bore. I noticed that all my points of impact on my deer are a little higher than what I would have expected. It's pretty much worked out for me thus far, but it didn't even dawn on me until a few weeks ago that I am zeroing in a warm barrel at the range. I marked my cold barrel shot last weekend off my rifle rest and it next shot was 3 inches lower at 100 yards. That seems to track with what I have experienced in the field. All my shots have been at about 120-130 yards and they all seem to hit about 3 inches higher than where I was aiming.
So what's your technique for getting zero on a cold bore at the range? Letting the barrel cool 10 min between shots? How cool does the barrel need to be? Also, do you do a fouling shot? A clean bore will shoot differently than a fouled bore right?