Originally Posted by riflenut
Originally Posted by Remington270
It would be different if CFPs actually beat the market. But they consistently and demonstrably lag the market by a significant amount. Year after year. I believe the number is 90% fail to beat index. And even the ones that do beat the market in a given year can't repeat their success, meaning it wasn't skill, it was luck.

Exactly. I used a CFPs for several years. The past couple years when we did our annual sitdowns, I told them I was comparing them to the S&P 500. They stammered and stuttered as to how difficult that was. I moved every dime earlier this year and put it index funds. I don’t care if you’re charging 1+% but if you are, you damn sure better be beating an index with a 1/100th of 1% expense ratio.

Welp. You made 26% so far this year, with zero fees, and not even breaking a sweat. Congratulations! beers