Originally Posted by 2Dogs
Originally Posted by hamma
Each to his own. I chose being debt free.. I dont want to leave a burden of any kind on my family if i become disabled or worse. Ive saw it happen to way too many people that were buried in debt. Very risky in todays world

No better financial feeling than having your home paid for and being totally debt free.

That’s how I live too. I don’t have any credit cards or debit cards heck right now I don’t even have a checking account. Paid off my house when my wife sold her house a few years ago in Troy. I have 5 cheap vehicles that are paid for that I use for different applications. Got 3 paid off tractors and implements to work with.(I’m looking for a good deal on a grain drill and nice pull type creep feeder) My wife and son will have a pile of cows and enough land to sustain them if/when I pass on.(The Good Lord Willing) I didn’t think I would live to be 30 most of the folks in my family die young.