Originally Posted by YellaLineHunter
Originally Posted by Fishduck
Pressure is what makes duck hunting hard. Ducks imprint on properties where they don't get shot. Over the years those areas become duck magnets. Go look at the refuge in Decatur or Lake Ashbaugh in Arkansas. These areas hold ducks. The ducks there are hard to kill because they retreat to the safe areas at the first sign of pressure. If there is not a safe area then there are no ducks. Managing pressure on a piece of ground isn't easy.

The way to create a good duck hunting property is provide food and not hunt it for years. Then only hunt it once or twice a year. Get in and get out. Most of us are too greedy or don't have the resources needed .


I am more of a believer in killing them when you have them. You have to rest fields during the season, but resting them for years won't help any ince you start hunting them again.

EDIT: I reread the post and that would be a way to keep ducks. But, I'm not into bird watching. I can drive to a refuge to do that. What I remember is shooting limits every trip of Canada geese and ducks out of one pit. Or shooting a limit of greenheads off an old slough on public. Birds always came back. NOT anymore. Now, both of those things don't happen. Too many hunters and every tom, dick, and harry rented out fields for big money from the cities. Plus, Canada geese don't come south and ducks only eat at night.

Last edited by Semo; 12/10/24 01:34 PM.