Originally Posted by cartervj
Originally Posted by Semo
Originally Posted by Overland
What changed around 2017 that negatively impacted duck hunting?

I haven't researched the issue but my guess is that duck dynasty started in 2012 and was gaining in popularity bringing out a bunch more hunters. At about the same time it seemed like we had a stretch of warm winters that influenced the migration. Those two things could be some of it. Ducks can have high fidelity to past migrations. It only takes a few years to have a great impact.

Also, I know several people that travel north to duck hunt earlier in the year. From what I've been told it used to be easy just to go find a spot in North Dakota and ask permission. Now it is overrun. So, these ducks see lots of pressure all the way down the flyway. No wonder that by the time they reach the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (starting in southern Missouri and Illinois) they mainly feed at night and loaf on the refuges all day.

Originally Posted by YellaLineHunter
Also think that YouTube videos played a role in showing the good things of duck hunting. The decoys, calling to em, the boat ride, timber hole hunting ie. Then it got to be all about public land hunting and that flooded the scene. Not saying social media is to blame but it definitely had an impact. I also think farmers tiling their fields making them not hold water was another notch.

A definite uptick in hunters and how many days afield. Not just days but longer hours per day. They’re hunting almost all day now. Back I the good old days it was rare to go past 8 for our group Andy times we were done by 7 and the ducks could have it after that. Now they get no rest all day or all season unless they find a refuge of some sort.

Another buggy is the likes of satellite imagery, there is no unknown holes

That last point is for sure. No longer boots on the ground scouting or secret spots passed down.