Leave it on standard time. DST sucks.
In the summer it does not get dark till 8:30. It is too hot to do anything in the mid day. So that means if I want to go fishing and stay till dark or close to it, when it is finally cooled off enough to go. It’s 9 by the time I load up boat. Then clean fish. Drive home then your looking at 1030 or 11 o’clock getting home. That or just suffer though the heat and leave early.

Then there is kids. We try to get them in bed before 8. Makes it real difficult when it is still light.

Then for winter. During hunting season it is kinda nice that it gets dark at 5. Then I don’t mind hunting till dark cause I’m still getting home at a reasonable time.

Permanent dst was tried and failed miserably. People hated it and demanded going back to standard.
