Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by Hayzeus
Originally Posted by johndeere5036
Originally Posted by MS_Hunter
I don't get why the time change messes with people. Never had a problem with it.

It kills me this time of the year. I own my own business and work until the job is done. Sometimes I’ll be doing a job and can finish it in a day during the summer but this time of year it gets dark so soon that it sometimes bites me and I gotta go back the next day to finish which cost me time and money and makes me push the next job back to the next day. In the summer time I can get done around five and still come home and unload equipment and maintenance everything and get loaded for the next day before it gets dark. This time of the year I’m having to maintenance equipment and load trailers in the dark which sucks

You do realize that the days get shorter in the northern hemisphere this time of year because of the tilt of the earth? It doesn’t have anything to do with the time change.

So youre saying when it gets dark at 6:00 one day then 5:00 the next day, you dont lose an hour of light? Pull up to someone’s house an hour earlier than normal and crank a big chainsaw, see what kind of reception you get. Matter of fact, i think theres laws in some cities about such. 7:30-8:00 is a pretty common time to start working in someones yard. 6:30 is gona get frowned on pretty hard in some areas.

Correct. People don’t mind you working late in the afternoons but you show up in a neighborhood at 530 in the morning to start doing work people are gonna be pissed