Tombo, i know for 100% sure, that if youll trust the Lord with this, he will work it out for your good. You cant do anything about your wifes actions. God knows your heart and he is a rewarder of those who dilligently seek him. I dont know you. I have no idea any details of your situation. I do know the Lord. I know how much he loves us. I know anything is possible when he is involved. My advice to you would be get just as close to the Lord as you possibly can. Give him every bit of your life, pray he will invade your life, pray he will take over every piece of your life and lean into it with all that is in you. Im gona be praying for you. Ive been left, ive been cheated on, ive been let down by humans in every way you can imagine but the Lord has yet to let me down. He loves you just like he loves me and i know he dont want you to hurt. And i know he will use this hurt for your good. And i know late at night when you are lonely and the tears come, he will be there to comfort you. Im so sorry you are going through this.
Pretty much sums it up, I was a child in a broken home, keep your daughter close as you can no matter how it plays out. Show her you love her and tell her you love her. When/if she is old enough explain to her how you felt about the situation but without throwing stones best you can.. the more your involved in her life the less she has to wonder or worry and make bad decisions off of emotions and feelings.