tombo I wrote something yesterday and erased it, it's just two personal. I don't know your situation, but a lot of women have some form of mental illness and it might only be small or could be big. my grand dad stayed with my full blown crazy grandma and never left through the roughest things and I like to think he was rewarded for his loyalty he was a 300lb fat bald man that had a wife serving him right up till death and the kids had two parents and not two families. ive' been through the anger and craziness towards my side of the family with mine as well, happens mostly around holidays. Even though I don't like it my solution was to just back away from my extended family especially on holidays and give her complete control of the holidays. I shouldn't have to do that but you got to look at the big picture. I still get 3 meals a day, a clean house, and alot of action i couldn't even dream of getting on the streets. I made a vow of in sickness and in health and Iam gonna keep it. that's just my situation and I hope it helps keep the family together. man that was a little too personal.
In sickness and in health includes Jody? No thanks!
To the OP, hang in there buddy. There’s better days ahead for you. I’ve been there and got the t-shirt myself. Looking back, it was a hidden blessing. In the mean time, love your daughter and love yourself a little too.