Originally Posted by tombo51
Sucks that’s pretty much it, don’t see how one person can hurt other people in their family so much for no reason other than their just not happy, and can’t give a good explanation of why their not happy, I’m leaning on god for strength and understanding prayers for me and my daughter

I learned years ago when we hit a bumpy patch, when issues arise in a marriage - it almost always has to do with unresolved issues with my own soul or hers. People cannot live beyond their own belief system. Everyone thinks marriage makes you happy. The truth is that a marriage will sometimes be filled with joy and other times sorrow. It is so easy to quit one now. The hardest part is staying committed to each other. Seasons come and seasons go. Times when things were bad, sticking it out often made our marriage stronger and more rewarding when things were good.

Seen a lot of people this year, screaming at each other over the phone. Guy outside a bank was screaming at his wife. Bills needed to be paid and she was putting pressure on him and he lost his shucks. His window was down. There was so much pain listening to it - hell, I wanted to get some extra cash out of the ATM and give it to him. Biden has done the devil's work. The devil wants to destroy every marriage, every family and Satan will use anything he can. The past 12 years, we have seen so much radical change with the gay BS and transgender BS with our kids.

About the only advice I can give a young couple is go to church. If you are both humbled by the Lord, or even better focused on him, then it has a chance.

Last edited by GmeHunter; 12/15/24 11:26 PM.