My wife and I have been married 47 years. Started dating senior year in high school. We are 68 now. Raised two fine boys here on the farm. At around year 27 or so, she came to me one day and said she was not happy. (I had taken a superintendent job over a new plant and it was a lot of work to get up and running correctly. She knew that going in and I spent a lot of time training and getting it going). I stopped her and said I cannot make you happy. No one on earth can make you happy. Only your relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ can make you really happy inside. Happiness that lasts. She just said ok. Came to me a few days later and said, " You are correct". We studied and grew together. Lot of prayer over that one. When the relationship is based on Christ and not the things of the world, it makes all the difference in the world.