Originally Posted by Jakethesnake
Our government has neutered all married men and stripped us from our roles. We are 2nd class citizens in our own home. If you don't believe me just stop kissing her ass and see where you end up.

Not in my household. My wife and I have been married 20 years and I can count the number of disagreements we have had on one hand. We both discuss everything that goes on in our house and the final decision is made from those discussions. There is no ass kissing that goes on in our house. My wife has told me a couple of times over the years that she is glad she can't push me around. I don't push her around either.

We both grew up in church and our marriage is centered around God and godly principles. I know I am very fortunate and that my marriage is an extreme anomally even within my own family. Not in all cases but a lot of marriages fail because of pure selfishness. I couldn't imagine being stuck in a bad marriage and feel for people that are.