I forgot I had the conception date study data saved…….For Jackson Co I'm showing 6 locations where samples were taken….These were the earliest breeding dates sampled for each location
The reason I was asking is because if there were native deer still left in the area when restocking happened they should have had a mid to late Dec rut date……If that’s the case then the way it looks is that they most likely existed around the river in the northeast corner…..If you look at the Jones tract they sampled 152 does and their earliest outlier was Jan 3…….That kinda leads me to believe that those mid December does in the other areas didn’t come from the same stocking source.....Some of those other locations like the GC tract only had like 5-10 does sampled and were already picking up mid Dec does.....
If there was a pocket of native deer left along the river then that would make sense why you see the Dec does being sampled in the locations the study shows…..If a pocket of does along the river began to expand into a bigger population, it likely wouldn’t grow outwardly in a perfect circle…..It would be more likely that they would expand their population up and down the river corridor first.
Didn't the Jones farm restocking animals come from a different area in LA than Skyline and North Sand Mt? Also Skyline had at least two deer releases and I can't remember if both groups originated from the same location. Like I said up stream ,I'll make yer head hurt .