How much does it cost to get birds to release. I am not promoting it I just wandered
The ones I knew of doing it money wasn’t an issue, not even close.
I looked into it and it wasn’t bad per duck it’s was getting the setup going that stopped me.
Supposed to get them young like jot flying or barely flying so they’d imprint on the area.
A landowner in the Delta did it for his hunters, once. I was told by a good friend of the landowner that the hunters had suitcases of money and were happy to give it up to kill ducks. It is a good thing they weren't after the meat, because they were very skinny ducks! They never learned to feed on their own, even with a "caretaker" that led them to food every day. He is the only person they had interaction with and it was on a 4wheeler while blowing a whistle while leading them. Hunters were happy with it, but they didn't try it again, due to the effort it took trying to imprinting them, as well as keeping predators off of them (caught once with Temik hotdogs for Coyotes and reprimanded/fined, early in the project).