Originally Posted by CNC
If Chris Cook said there were native deer left along the river then I’m assuming he’s correct and there indeed were some deer left to repopulate from……If that’s the case then why would the population of those native river deer remain low and only isolated to a small area around Belafonte while everything else expanded and filled in around it??......That doesn’t make sense for that to have happened……If there were deer left around the river like Chris Cook said then they most likely started repopulating the river bottom at the same time the restockings happened in Jackson Co and the state closed the deer season for that area……

I don't know, perhaps because the fact they were native and not relocated . The relocated deer were perhaps "programmed" to expand quicker . The native had all they needed, low numbers, food , cover and no reason to roam. And I can tell ya , they were hunted and kept very quiet about it. Commercial fishermen and others who lived on the river ate local venison when they wanted it.

I'll throw ya a bone, I teed it up above but I guess you missed it. The deer out on top of Sand Mt around Pisgah , Section and points East would IMO be more likely to be high % native as no stocking was done to the East of them . Stocking was to the North, West and South. Also remember , that area of the county was slow and the last area to fill in with good numbers. What cha think?

I still ain't buying PRV , Skyline and up in Ridgestalker's area is loaded with native genes. And you can't make me. laugh

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.