I don't know, perhaps because the fact they were native and not relocated . The relocated deer were perhaps "programmed" to expand quicker . The native had all they needed, low numbers, food , cover and no reason to roam. And I can tell ya , they were hunted and kept very quiet about it. Commercial fishermen and others who lived on the river ate local venison when they wanted it.
I'll throw ya a bone, I teed it up above but I guess you missed it. The deer out on top of Sand Mt around Pisgah , Section and points East would IMO be more likely to be high % native as no stocking was done to the East of them . Stocking was to the North, West and South. Also remember , that area of the county was slow and the last area to fill in with good numbers. What cha think?
I still ain't buying PRV , Skyline and up in Ridgestalker's area is loaded with native genes. And you can't make me.