Trijicon vote here also.clear glass and rugged
Just gotta decide if you want target turrets.
Them shots beyond your 200 yard zero get tough.
You'll hear guys say they held Kentucky windage to kill a deer on power line or bean field at 400 yards but you don't realize how difficult that is until you try.😃 Lol several times.... and you'll realize 98% of them was lying unless shooting an extremely fast flat shooting cartridges and now exactly how high to set zero for x amount of yards for your ballistics.its called getting lucky😎
You might want to get a scope with target turrets and a range finder.just throwing that out there
I'd rather kill deer at 5 yards that's hunting imo but I have a rangefinder and all my scopes have target turrets to Dial beyond my zero .
Just remember most cartridges with 200 yard zero say 308 Winchester are roughly 6" low at 300 yards with a 200 yard zero it gets really tough at 400 yards around 19 inches roughly
Depending on the cartridge, yeah, those longer shots get tricky even with the powerful magnums. "You'll hear guys say they held Kentucky windage to kill a deer on power line or bean field at 400 yards but you don't realize how difficult that is until you try." They love telling the story of the time they did that one shot, how about all the deer they wounded or missed shooting those shots? You won't hear those stories.
Under 1k, meopta, leuy, or try to pick up an old german zeiss or a swarovski scope. The need for magnification will depend on how you hunt and your eyes, yeah, you already know this. You know if 3x9 is enough or you need more because of your eyes. Some could do a 1x8 and be fine, others want a 3x18 or 4x25 or more. I will say this, watch your illuminated dots, on some scopes the dot is so large it will prevent you from having an accurate aiming point at longer yardage. They work fine for close work, but trying to aim at a small area on a deer or hog at distance is difficult. (Aim small, miss small) at distance.