Nicotine up-regulates the ACE/angiotensin (ANG)-II/ANG II type 1 receptor axis, and down-regulates the compensatory ACE2/ANG-(1–7)/Mas receptor axis

Nicotine may bind with the ACE2 receptor, particularly in people with COVID-19, and thus could interfere with further SARS-CoV-2-ACE2 binding

Nicotine and cigarette smoke decrease levels of ACE2 in multiple organs

Cytokine storms could be prevented or suppressed by nicotine through its impact on the cholinergic anti-inflammatory system; nicotine may inhibit hyperinflammation and platelet reactivity.

Tobacco can be antiviral but not nicotine itself (I don’t think)

Last edited by JohnnyLoco; 12/19/24 04:23 PM.