Originally Posted by kyles
Originally Posted by ridgestalker
Originally Posted by kyles
Yall got me so confused I am sitting in a shooter house that's rocking. It's like Christmas I don't want to miss it. Beavers be flooding all of Jackson County if we don't settle this . Them 2 today made 68 and I don't even no when they rut

I noticed the state checking a lot of backwater last week. Saw a trapper yesterday. There’s water in places I’ve never seen before from beavers in Jones and Widows Creek.

Originally Posted by ridgestalker
Originally Posted by kyles
Yall got me so confused I am sitting in a shooter house that's rocking. It's like Christmas I don't want to miss it. Beavers be flooding all of Jackson County if we don't settle this . Them 2 today made 68 and I don't even no when they rut

I noticed the state checking a lot of backwater last week. Saw a trapper yesterday. There’s water in places I’ve never seen before from beavers in Jones and Widows Creek.

If you seen somebody there on 69 on that little cut off by the railroad track it was me

I go thru there daily and plant fields down those railroad tracks.

"The Heavens declare the glory of God;and the firmament sheweth his handiwork" Pslam 19:1