Originally Posted by Semo
Originally Posted by cartervj
Originally Posted by Pwyse
Originally Posted by Forrestgump1
I guess I’m a traditionalist and don’t care for camo on guns. Wood and blue or all black for me.

I don’t mind camo but the digi stuff is hard to look at in my opinion. I’m sure it is very effective though. I definitely don’t knock it or anyone that has it. It’s just not my favorite. I’ll take wood and blued any day of the week. But I do prefer camo over just a black gun.

For duck hunting I want to camo and the new camo works well. I’ll take it for dove too and then upland I want traditional wood and blue that is well worn.

Black stands out bigly so I’m not fond of those at all

I have never been into gun camo. My choice would be walnut with the Matt finish. But, my beater gun is all black. I've been looking at a new browning silver 3.5 inch and looks like my choices will be camo because the walnut only comes in the glossier finishes.

Never liked camo rifles but have several camo shotguns. Still undecided on a gun. So many options.

Last edited by bamaeyedoc; 12/21/24 01:40 PM.

AKA: “Dr. B”
Aldeer #121
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Glennis Jerome "Jerry" Harris
UGA Class of 1960
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