Originally Posted by Mbrock
Originally Posted by kkfish
Houston and Russell with almost 60% and every county around them in the 20s. Kinda crazy on that buck harvest

That’s simply due to the earlier breeding dates along the eastern portions of those counties.

CNC, just a thought. I know your theory because you’ve posted it in this thread a couple times. I have a couple of theories myself. What if the deer populations are growing in the areas with higher percentage harvest, and therefore providing more opportunity? OR, what if it’s not an indicator of overall deer populations at all, and deer are more viable and easier to kill this year due to some environmental factor? Examples would be failed food plots, lack of acorns, late season warm weather that provided more late season browse than an average year? I’ve seen all of these as possible contributors to harvest rates being different this year.

Yep. A lot of people planted early and their plots are bare dirt. I think we still had a decent acorn crop down this way, but others within a 50 mile radius didn't get near the rain that we did, at the right times.

To GOD be All the glory!!!