Finished up the first 50 rounds. Ran all the brass through the sizing die and set up to trim to 2.030”. None required much trimming but some truing up of the case mouths. Loaded a couple different charge weights of CFE223 with a maximum weight of 39.0grs. Speer 170gr seated to 2.560”. Wasn’t quite in the cannelure but Lee says their factory crimp die doesn’t have to be in the groove as it will make one. I adjusted the FCD to where it just barely wanted to cam over with a loaded round in the die. This takes a little tinkering with the die until it feels right, but make small adjustment until you get there. Have 50 more primed pieces waiting for powder charge and bullets after I test this first round. The good thing about the CFE is it’s a fine grain ball powder so meters excellent. Set my powder throw to toss just under, trickled up with a few turns. But a charge master would be nice!