It reduces my benefits from $2600 down to $800 month, because my last 30 years of employment by the fire department, where we didnt pay into SS, instead funded our own pensions. .
If you didn’t pay into it for 30 years why should you get it?
A Bi-partisan bill that is headed to Biden to sign, is finally something i can get on board with. The WEP (windfall elimination program) affected my retirement. It reduces my benefits from $2600 down to $800 month, because my last 30 years of employment by the fire department, where we didnt pay into SS, instead funded our own pensions. Keep in mind, prior to me starting work there, I had paid more than enough into SS, and even had part time jobs and owned my own business on the side while employed at FD. They penalized us because we had a pension (we funded it ourselves) by reducing our entitlement by as much as 2/3. This is going to help out a lot of civil servant firemen, policemen and teachers across the country.