Originally Posted by marshmud991
I’ve been working since in 13 years old. I paid into social security for many many years. When I went into LE in 2000 I was basically working 2 jobs because I was still farming at the time. I have 2 retirement plans with the Sheriff’s office. Our regular pension plan and a deferred compensation plan in which I contribute a percentage of my pay and the Sheriff matches it 100%. The way it was I would’ve lost a lot of the social security benefits I’ve paid into most of my life because of my 2 retirement plans through the Sheriff’s office because we don’t pay social security taxes. Also my wife is in the same boat as an officer with the state. She worked in the private sector for many years before and paid social security. She does not pay social securty taxes either with the state. This should really help us if it passes.
It will help a lot. Some people on here cant seem to comprehend the fact that we have paid enough into the system throughout the years to receive benefits. Its those earned benefits that SS is reducing.

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