Here’s my belly ache, I just retired and get my entitlement, my wife is 4 years younger and makes a lot more money than I so, she will get her entitlement, if she passes before me I get a bump up to her rate, if I pass before her she gets none of mine. My oldest brother did 30 years AF, retired and doing a federal job now, his wife during their marriage hasn’t worked enough to earn SS benefits however she is entitled to 50% of his entitlement and he is entitled to 100% of his entitlement. So they can get 150% of 100% entitlements while both are living and yet my wife and I can only get 100% of 200% entitlement’s if one of us passes

This isn’t a knock on veterans or service members

Last edited by capehorn24; 12/25/24 07:07 PM.