Originally Posted by scrape
Originally Posted by AU338MAG
Originally Posted by Mbrock
Originally Posted by JohnnyLoco
I have to laugh at some of these choices 😂🤣😂🤣

I was thinking the same. One, none of them are what I consider small towns. Not a single one. They’re thriving metropolises. They’re larger cities compared to my small towns. I couldn’t do any of them. Way too much for me. 😂


Some nice small cities mentioned here but they're well beyond small town status.

Any town with more than 2 or 3 stoplights aint small b
if it's any smaller than lick skillet then there's a good chance that youv'e already died and are visiting a graveyard.

I know where Lick Skillet is and go eat there every now and then at the Butter and Egg Cafe.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.