Originally Posted by 3% outdoorsman
Every single person that posted are the insecure fagots.every single one of you are butt hurt by my abilities and your lack intelligence.

I'm sorry many of y'all . really just the people in this thread are dumb.no attention to detail

Every one of y'all have been the ones that got your feelings hurt by my the post ..,...I haven't forgot

Y'all are the ones, SOFT LMAO 🤣
Like old dogs wondering around in a yard.worthless big dummies

Y'all are typical big dummies challenge me to any sort of heck anything lol.
About hunting fishing handloading shooting guns.youll lose

Except au338 he's a lot smarter than y'all boys.for sure lol he posted on thread but good guy...

Some of us are a big step ahead of y'all.yall get your feelings hurt when someone knows something y'all don't.
I tend to listen and learn.naw not here just sissies get there feelings hurt

Naw not on here y'all goobers can't use standard reloading dies or much less kill deer without whining about it...

every single fagot has posted I do believe that has had an opportunity to have there feelings hurt by MY POST . 😂

I'm just amazed that a person who claims to be so smart and full of all kinds of abilities, has so much trouble with words and sentences. Correct spelling, along with some commas and peroids, would help your posts a whole bunch!. As far as the pink name tag, embrace it, as I think you are stuck with it.



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