Originally Posted by marshmud991
Originally Posted by Mbrock
Originally Posted by mw2015
Guy in my club spends $300 a month on triple threat and corn to bait his area. rofl

That’s child’s play compared to some. There’s ppl paying more for feed monthly than their mortgage cost.

We filled up 6 55gal drums before the season. I don’t think they have been touched. All the guys show up with their trucks full of sacked corn. They said it’s easier to handle the sacks then haul it by buckets. slap

I could get a couple drums filled at the co-op but I don’t have a tractor to get them off the truck or trailer back at camp. Also, the idea of shoveling corn out of a drum into a bunch of buckets and taking it through rough trails where it’ll get tossed and spilled just isn’t worth the meager savings of bulk. I can move 600# of sacked corn in about 1-2 minutes with just two hands.