Originally Posted by Turkey_neck
I’m not sure if ehd is the culprit this year or neighbors have decimated the population. But I’ve never in my time running cameras at my house had 2 2 yr old rack deer on camera in the rut and that’s it. Hell I had 5-6 different 2-3 yr olds on camera 3-4 weeks ago and one have been seen in that time frame. I normally have 7-10 minimum rack deer this time of year filtering through. I’m just disgusted and when sedgefield with 6,000 acres has one shooter on cam something is wrong.

I know EHD can knock the hell out of a herd. We had it here a few times. The worst I’ve ever seen was up in NE Missouri. It just about wiped out the entire buck population. That was the only year I didn’t kill one was pit on the wall. Plenty of does but only young small bucks were seen.

It's hard to kiss the lips at night that chews your a$$ all day long.