Originally Posted by marshmud991
Originally Posted by Snuffy
Originally Posted by hamma
its no wonder AL is eat up with feral Hogs

Alabama was eat up with hogs LONG before corn was legal!

I can believe the amount of people that think feeding corn is a new thing. I know people in Alabama that has been feeding and hunting over corn since the early 80s. Heck when we got the place we have 12years ago, the first thing we had to do was remove a bunch of feeders from the plots and other areas on the property. They’d bring corn in by the trailer load of drums. Corn is not new.

I happen to be 1 of those who's hunted AL since the 80's so Im well aware of the corn situation. with most areas having an out of control hog epidemic i find it very hard to believe the state legalized corn is what i meant.. It dang sure hasnt helped the hog problem. IMO, They need a bounty program put in place for some counties