I remember the club and I wanted to allow kids or adults that have never killed a buck to allowed to kill a younger buck. On 5000 acres I felt 5-10 2.5 yr olds wouldn’t have been a big deal. 🤷‍♂️
The adults got all upset wanting to be able to kill theirs too. After all they paid a lot kid money to be in the club. I tried to get BSK to agree a 2.5 yr old 6 point would make a good target for those guys. He wouldn’t.

Greed can be good to a point but greedy Dee Hunter sat hilarious and sad at the same time.

The one mentality I never understood and I’ve known a few this way. If it’s a buck it’s gotta die no matter what. I’ve had several good friends with that mentality. They always complained they never kill good though so might as well. They finally with buck limits let em walk and suddenly state killed really big deer. There’s a few others that have killed a lot deer and still will kill a year old spike every chance they get. 🤷‍♂️

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan