Originally Posted by Mbrock
Originally Posted by 2Dogs
Originally Posted by Ben2
Originally Posted by 2Dogs
Set up more than one stand with different approaches to them. I have several spots with more than one stand , some very close and well within sight of each other. I'll bet the predominate wind is gonna be SW-NW . Matt's right , don't over hunt a stand and choose the right times to hunt them . Folks have one fav , have cameras and a feeder there. They ride their wheeler in every week , or more , fill their feeder and check the camera , then hunt the fire out of the stand . Then wonder why they can't see a deer in daylight. slap

The driving in and filling the feeder do not bother them in fact I do this to attract deer some times as they come out immediately after I leave but hunting with the wrong wind even once or twice will destroy a stand and cause stop deer movement immediately.imo.

You kill a lot of 4+ yo bucks at those sites?

Hey 2dogs, we could kill every single 5+ buck on the places we do that within a week if we wanted to. They daylight on corn every day.

Must be some backyards or 5 acre tracts. Mature bucks don’t stay on big properties anymore. thumbup

It's hard to kiss the lips at night that chews your a$$ all day long.