Originally Posted by Cactus_buck
Originally Posted by jawbone
Just another example of why LE officers need to be paid among the highest of professions instead of what they are. If pay was high then it would attract the best, brightest and educated in our society inatead of having to get whatever they can take that can pass the background check.

OR you could verify the address on the arrest warrant. I hope the family sues the Fu** out of the police department and win.

One don’t have to do with the other really

Not paying attention to detail is not acceptable
With todays google earth and so forth how????

Better pay will actually provide better officers. Anytime there is competition for a desirable position the best will come out for it.

Don’t have a problem with militarization so to speak for specialized units, but not everyday patrol. There is or should be a difference.

The actual militarization comes from the federal level if I understand correctly.

The one thing I have noticed on YouTube is those folks wanting an information with law enforcement, I guess their 15 minutes of fame. Don’t push buttons and usually works out.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan