With the current pay for LEO's you attract 3 types of individuals: Folks that really have a desire to serve and protect others (these are the minority), folks that were "just looking for a job with retirement" (these are the majority), and idiots (these comprise of the majority of the minority).
I make this statement based on 20 years of criminal defense. I know genuine officers who are good people, I know officers who were picked on in school, never had dates, couldn't play sports, etc. and now they have a gun and a badge and they are out to get revenge or on a power trip. Lastly, I know officers who are there to draw a check and get their 20 years in with a minimum of effort.
Maybe I shouldn't be this way BUT when an individual is in "special education" in grade school I don't think we should give this individual a badge and a gun and put them in the position of making life or death split-second decisions.
Last edited by Lonster; 01/05/25 08:41 PM.