Originally Posted by cartervj
Originally Posted by DryFire
Same thing happened twice last year here in north Alabama. One in Hazel Green, the other in Decatur. The LEO in Hazel Green were granted immunity. The Decatur LEO(s) did not get off so easy. The difference? The white community did not protest the death of the person in Hazel Grenn. The black community in Decatur has and is holding their police dept accountable.

Didn’t black guy have a gun in his hand or not?

I’m not condoning anything just lay out all the facts. Don’t leave something relevant out

This entire incident was caught on the neighbor's surveillance video. If someone, that you believe has no right to, is taking your vehicle from your yard, aren't you going to confront them with a gun? I know I more than likely would. While standing there with your gun in your hand, people who you didn't know were hiding beside your house run out yelling. When you are startled, what is your natural reaction no matter what they may be yelling? I know what mine would be and I would probably be just as dead as this guy.

The true mark of a man is not how he conducts himself during times of prosperity, but how he conducts himself during times of adversity.