The sad part about the instance which was the subject of this post is that it was about a STOLEN WEED WHACKER! It's the middle of the winter and nobody in that town is using a weed whacker right now. Where was the common sense?

The officers who served the warrant, for a stolen weed whacker, should have served the warrant in the daytime AND not show up in full force like the military!

Did they not read the warrant? A little bit of common sense goes a long way. Every officer involved is to blame. You would have thought that at least one of them between mouth breathing, drooling and eating boogers, would have said "we are serving a warrant for a stolen weed whacker, no big deal."

Their stupidity and foolishness resulted in an innocent man being killed. No amount of money, reprimands, terminations, training, etc. will bring this dead man back.

You would think that in this modern age stuff like this wouldn't happen.

Heck just a couple of weeks ago a black man, hard-working, no criminal history, black man was pulled over for a traffic stop in Florida. He informed the officer that he had a concealed firearm on him, just as he had done so in the past. In a prior stop the officer thanked him for telling him and instructed him to keep his hands up near the steering wheel, etc. and addressed the reason for the stop and everyone went their separate ways, no harm no foul.
HOWEVER, on this particular stop the officer instructed the driver to step out of the vehicle, face the vehicle, spread 'em, etc. and had backup (a female officer) to remove his firearm. She struggled to remove it, the driver asked if he could loosen his belt so that it would be easier for her to remove the weapon, he was denied that opportunity and as she struggled and tugged on the pistol she ended up shooting him with his own gun and he nearly bled to death!

Last edited by Lonster; 01/06/25 01:35 PM.