I've never had this issue. It's extremely hard to seat a bullet....


All Lake City Brass, FL sized. Not trimmed, it doesn't need it yet.

Bullet: Hornady 150gr FMJBT w/cannelure, not pulls, not 2nds. A random sampling measures .3065-.307 measuring between the cannelure and boattail.

After sizing, the case mouth measured .305. It was impossible to seat abullet without shaving it. So, I ran some through my 21st century mandrel that measures .306. Still shaving bullets and extremely hard to seat.

I could ALMOST understand this issue if it wasn't a boat tail.

The only thing I haven't done is chamfer the inside of the case mouth.
That shouldn't be necessary with a .3065-.307 boattail bullet going into a .306 case mouth.


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