Originally Posted by GobbleGrunt
I bought my youngest son a Rossi Turkey Tuffy .410. It comes with a modified choke and a turkey choke. It has an short length of pull to begin with, but you can shorten it by 3-4 more inches by taking out the removeable part of the stock (very easy to do). I put a Venom red dot on it. I shoot Apex TSS, and I get a heck of a pattern at 40 yards. I would not hesitate to shoot one at 50 with it...but that's me. So I would recommend this set up to anyone for any youth...it's just a single shot, but you only need one shot anyway...right? lol. I believe I bought it brand new from Academy somewhere between $199-$250. So it's reasonably priced too.

Good stuff. I’ve been looking at these. What barrel length is the one you are talking about? I’ve seen 26” and 18” versions

Last edited by fourfive45; 01/10/25 01:39 PM.