I wound up selling all my baseball cards that I had collected when I was young... frown But...There was 3 or 4 years during that time, that I had picked up some football cards and a few basketball cards during baseball's offseason.... Unbeknownst to me, Luckily, Mom had saved and sacked them all up when I moved out and put them in the old shed behind her house,....Anyway, yrs later she called and wanted me to come get them, before she threw them all out, and man, oh man, was I surprised as to some of the cards that I did find... shocked My question is....has anyone ever sent off any cards to have graded? How much do they charge? Which grading co. is the most reputable?What kind of time frame does it take to get them back? and was it worth it? I dont want to pay 40 or 50 bucks or whatever it is, per card, to have graded and they come back worth less money than what I spent on the grading... crazy I've got one card for sure I'd like to have graded because it could mean thousands of dollars of difference in the value of this particular card (Walter Payton Rookie)...I know its a long post, sorry about that, but any, and all help or experiences on the subject, would be really appreciated..... thumbup

Did you know that Beer Nutz are over a Dollar...and Deer Nutz are under a Buck...