so i recently bought a new to me rifle. rem 700 cdl sf .270 wsm 24" barrel hs precision stock with a titanium fluted bolt. pretty cool rifle i think. i have a few extra scopes sitting around and trying to decide which one to go with. 1 meostar 3-9x50 1 meostar 3.5-10x50
and a conquest v4 3-12x56. honestly trying to get away from 56mm scopes. i may just sell them all and get something else.
Wow, choosing between 2 of Meopta's finest scopes is a tough choice. I would opt for the MeoStar 3.5-10X50, though it's an apples-to-apples choice between the 2. I have a few MeoStar scopes, which are as good as they get in low-light conditions. I took a feral hog years ago, well after dark, at 100 yards with just moonlight. I am thankful I could use low-level illumination to make a one shot stop. No matter which scope you choose, it's win win.